>It’s been done before but…

>… I just wanted to get on the bandwagon cos I have a funny search term to tell you about. It seems that someone was hoping that I could help out with a little problem she had. You see, she needed help with getting her man’s motor running, so she tried “something to make my husband horny” as a search. What better way to get your husband going than a visit to my humble page?

That’s right, “something to make my husband horny”. Now I don’t know if I was any help, but she certainly thought I could be because she followed the link from Yahoo! where I am the no. 5 ranked page for solving this little dilemma.

I think that her husband may have been somewhat disappointed by anything she found here. I guess we’ll never know, but if you’re in Clarksville, Georgia and your wife made you horny over the weekend, you owe me one.

—End transmission—

6 thoughts on “>It’s been done before but…

  1. >Hehe, perhaps she may be better with George’s blog – those poems of his get me rock hard everytime!

    Oddly enough, even the ones about ladies!

  2. >Thanks Jon … I was going to say that Craig’s “posts” seem to make Andi horny… but uhhh

  3. >I know where Clarksville, GA is! Would you like me to make a big sign that says:

    “If you have visited Mr.Mac’s blog, and have recently pleased your husband immensely, please see me.”

    I think it would be fun!

  4. >Drew, that is a sterling idea. Please make it so – and then post pictures.